Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

wHerE do wE hAng-oUt?

wE can hAng-out with our fRiends
Most of tHe time friends arE oUr conpanions wHen wE aRe full oF sorrows And burdens.
oFFenTimes they give possible solutions to ouR pRobLems. In RetUrn  wE share our deepest  felt emotions aNd EvEn secrets to TheM……

wE cAn hAng-out to our favorite Places

Places A group 0f ideas concerning significance and meanings that particular places have for their inhabitants and users.

As adventurous people, I LOVE seeing new places, meeting new people, to experience how is it felt to be cool of box for somewhat, somehow it gives me a chance to know myself more, and to make me understand the inner me……….

wE can hAng-out with our FamiLy
FamiLy group consisting of A FatheR, mother and their children.
fAmiLy is ThE  principal institution foR socialization of ChildRen And our family is our UltimaTe Listener, gUidance, supporter, giver,Adviser And most oF aLL our LovErs……..

wE caN congregate to thE Church

SomEtimes wE arE Weary anD wE do not know wHats Happening in oUr lives just convene to thE cHurch because……………
“Our lives arE made Up of million moments spent in A million different ways…..SomE aRe spent searching foR love, peace aNd success others, foR surviving daY to daY…but thEre’s  no greater moment than RealiZing tHat life is mEant to bE live onE daY aT A TimE With GOD……..

1 komento:

  1. super cool ng blog mo, eds! napaka-informative and inspiring. :) pero sobrang nagustuhan ko talaga ung "we can congregate to the church" kasi kahit na busy ako it reminds me to always go back to the ultimate life-giver who is God. keep it up, eds! <3
