Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2011


The time I WaS b0rn, I Was vEry LuckY
I sAw tHe LigHt That MaDe  mE HaPPy
As sUn Rise Up in ThE bluish sKy
I ReaLiZe that LifE is kiNda LovElY

wHEn thE time pass bY
I ReaLizEd tHat Life is nOt so eAsy
WhEnEver I’m aLonE and LonElY, mY FamilY comforts mE
aNd move mE to A right pAth

wHen time drives mE, I KnoW tHat LifE  is So  LoveLy
But LifE is MoRe LovElY  WhEn LovE arises
LovE is LikE aN aLarm cLock that  wAkeS y0u up
                   wHen love arise

“TiMe is goLd”
time iS mY inspiration, time wAkes mE Up
                   iN time I’ll nEEd iT
It controls mY Day tO dAy Light
I LikE time, it mAkes My wOrLd gO rOunD
It gave mE sometimes a LesSon
Is noT That EasY, CausE TiMe doesn’t Look Back anD turn Around
That’S wHy time is A time oF mY failure
And time is My HappinEss  in LiFE

that’s WhY I’ll AlWayS “HANG OUT” to Those Things That Makes Me HAppY.
bEcAuse I cAnnoT  Turn Back tHe cycle of TIME……..

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