Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2011

Let’s talk about what do you do to hang out with a girl/guy?

Let’s talk about what do you do to hang out with a girl?
What do you say to conquer her?
Do you kiss her in the first time or you let the time pass and you kiss her in the fourth or fifth hangout?


I don’t talk to girls in the street is so difficult the girls go away or the see with: boy1: face but when you see someone girl you go like a friend push you and you go and hit the girl and you say ohh :boy2: so sorry, ohh I see you anywhere and the girl o me too what is your name ? You are so beautiful and start talking
or in a party you go and say do you want to dance with me lady?
And dancing you starts talking

and all of you????
Well, I have always thought that the best thing that you can do is to be original since the first time you see her or talk to her. Just be yourself and only say things that you really want to say. If that girl is for you everything will happen naturally.
Let’s talk about what do you do to hang out with a guy?
Sometimes you will be in a situation where there are guys and girls hanging out together (whether it be a party, at the club, or any informal social situation) and you want to stand out among the other girls. You could be going on a group date for the first time with the guy(s) you want to test your feelings for. You could be at a party and you want to impress a particular guy you've known for some time. How can you impress that particular guy or guys without going too fast or seeming desperate to start a relationship? How can you hang out with guys casually while keeping the potential for a future relationship?
1.       Think ahead of time of the personality types of each guy that will be present at this social gathering. Determine whether they are extroverted, introverted, sporty, book-smart, etc. For example, this will help you avoid talking too much to a guy that is not talkative, which can lead them to be turned off from future outings with you. And you definitely want to make a positive impression on all of them, even if you are interested in just one or two, because the guy you don't care about could turn out to be the best friend of the actual guy you are interested in. Definitely keep all the guys on your good side!
2.       Observe carefully how the guys relate to one another and emulate their behavior towards them. They will see that you are making an effort to bond in their platonic relationship style, which gives you the upperhand. They will regard you as a platonic friend, so they will want to hang out with you another time. This will give you more opportunities to develop chemistry and attraction between you and them. Just remember to NOT ATTEMPT to go inbetween the guy bonds. Guys cherish their friendships, and you should too, so always allow them to do what they need to do.
3.       Be interesting. Guys can get very bored very quickly with a girl that has limited interests or conversation. Show off your knowledge and fun-loving nature to them by talking, teasing, playing a game, etc. But this doesn't mean to talk incessantly (as a lot of us are apt to do). Let them talk about themselves. Ensure them that you are listening by providing comments that are thought-provoking and fresh, which will leave them thinking longer about what you said. The longer they think about what you said, the more they think and wonder about you and their attraction to you. Guys love to solve mysteries!
4.       Socialize with everyone. If you are trying to keep your options open with the guys, or even if you have picked the guy you like, don't favor only one. Socialize with everyone, in similar proportions. Guys love social girls and this will also create a slight competition between the guys. Guys love chasing and proving themselves to a girl, it gives them a goal in socializing. If you are going to zero in on the potential guy, do it later on in the outing, but keep it aloof! You don't want to give away your pick too quick, or you will risk looking like you were just shopping for a mate!

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