Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2011

How to be a Fun Person?

How to Be a Fun Person to Hang out With?
Be confident. Let's face it--the basis for pretty much everything in our lives is confidence. We can avoid it and deny it all we want, but the truth is, believing in yourself, trusting yourself, recognizing self-worth, and leading a pro-active lifestyle are things that are required for almost any goal we wish to achieve, big or small. Before you even begin trying to become a fun person, you have to believe you can be a fun person, and believe that you are a wonderful, beautiful person as well. Nothing is wrong with believing in yourself, and it's looked up to but never looked down on. Most confident people have insecurities.
Make yourself vulnerable. Don't be afraid to take chances. Nobody who holds back is considered fun, TRUST ME. Think about the fun people you know--they take chances on a regular basis, both socially as well as in their life. This is hard at first and takes practice. But the more you do it the sooner it will just become a part of you.
Be spontaneous. Don't think too much, regardless of what anyone tells you. Just do it! Follow your heart! Don't over analyze things and don't spend a ton of time wondering what could go wrong, what someone else in your position would say, how you should react to what they're going to say next, etc. LOSE YOURSELF!! Forget about who may be listening or what people might think--just have fun. Don't worry about your surroundings or how you look what comes next. Being spontaneous is required, and though it's not easy at first, it ALWAYS pays off.
Be open-minded. Don't have a certain mindset or game plan in your head that if interrupted or morphed in any way will completely ruin everything. Realize that everyone changes their opinion often. It's just a part of life. Also, although a person needs standards, if your standards are too high and ridiculously strict, nobody will ever want to spend time with you. It's better to lean towards the loose than the uptight.
SMILE and LAUGH. A smile is a curve that can set things straight. It's easier than frowning--it takes roughly 62 muscles to frown while you only use 17 to smile. Even if you don't feel like smiling, putting on a grin radiates approachability, positivity, and friendliness. For the girls out there: guys are turned on and loosened up by laughs and smiles. Of course, don't overdo it and be annoying. But looking the part of a fun is half the battle, and it's not even really much of a battle because once you get the hang of it, smiling just becomes a reflex, and an attractive one at that. :)
Get physical. Use positive body language (keep your hands from touching and sit with your arms and legs fairly open, sit up straight, etc.) and don't be afraid to move around to show that you are laid-back and not uptight. For example, change the position your sitting in or cross and uncross your legs every now and then. Don't be antsy. Just don't be all tight and unapproachable.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2011

wAnnA hAvE fUn

                                                                      I liKe riDinG

aMusEmEnt riDEs aRe LaRge mEchaniCAL dEviCes tHAt moVe pEopLe to cReaTe EnjoyMenT. ThEy aRe fReqUentLy Found aT amUsemenT pArks, CarniVAls, and fUnFairs.....

Martes, Setyembre 6, 2011

hang out qoutes

Anger is natural. It's part of the force. You just have to learn to hang out with it.

I found there was only one way to look thin, hang out with fat people.

I used to hang out by the food table at parties because you don't have to talk to anybody. If you do then you can talk about the food.

Life is too large to hang out a sign: "For men Only

 “Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades: shoemakers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers, a monster watch; and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but up in the mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show

In this world full of pain and sorrow, maybe once in a lifetime, you'll find someone who will make you feel wonderful. Hang on to that someone no matter what!

There is no satisfaction in hanging a man who does not object to it.

If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today

Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2011

"When God Writes Your Love Story"

I love to sing, play volleyball, and hang out with my awesome friends (the new bf  being my fave so Some random things about ... Erin Hegedus's Story ...

"When God Writes Your Love Story"
So many nights I would just cry myself to sleep, wondering what was wrong with me and why I didn't have that special someone in my life.
I've always wanted a boyfriend, someone to love and care about me in that special way, but I would only seem to meet the jerks. Throughout my teenage life, I would meet these "incredible" guys. We would click so well, then all of a sudden they would change and things would be over before they started.
Because all the situations where I've liked a guy, they've liked me, then a real relationship never happened and I was always let down, I thought that there was no hope for me. I came to the conclusion that I must be destined to be single. But the truth was, I wasn't completely trusting God in that area of my life and it caused me to fail. I would attempt to start a relationship with a guy, but I would never place God in the center of it.
About a year ago, I had met this "awesome" guy up north, he kept saying how much he liked me...but when we would hang out, he would be totally different, and it hurt me. I kept questioning God on why this guy, who was a "great Christian", wouldn't be compatible for me. All my family and close friends had a really bad feeling about me and this guy, they would tell me that I was blinded by my emotions and that by flying up north to see him again was stepping out of God's will because I was rebelling. In truth, I was going with what I wanted and wasn't listening to the advice of my parents, pastors, friends, and most of all, the Lord.
I was absolutely miserable. I felt so alone and heartbroken. I would always put on my "happy face" out in public, but in secret, I was so torn up inside. So many nights I would just cry myself to sleep, wondering what was wrong with me and why I didn't have that special someone in my life.
Then I read the book "When God Writes Your Love Story" and it completely changed my perspective on dating. I finally broke down and gave the pen of my love life to the Lord, trusting Him fully to write my beautiful story in His timing, not mine. If I hadn't read that book, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I wouldn't be at the place that I'm at right now in my walk with the Lord. I would still be miserably alone. I know that God needed to be that special Someone in my life before I ever tried to let a guy fill that void.
Since that year has gone by, God has placed in me a new hope and peace. Very recently, He has blessed me with amazing friends that are so encouraging and uplifting to me. I can't fathom what life would be like without them now, and as I look back on my life, I realize how foolish I was to even try to have a relationship with a guy without putting God in the center.

And now I can proudly say that my Father God has blessed me with an incredible boyfriend. I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better. So as both of us begin this journey together (some like to call it dating) and as we place God in the very center of it all, He will continue to reveal His will for our lives. Never lose hope, if God can write my love story, have fatih- I know He will write yours!