Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2011


The time I WaS b0rn, I Was vEry LuckY
I sAw tHe LigHt That MaDe  mE HaPPy
As sUn Rise Up in ThE bluish sKy
I ReaLiZe that LifE is kiNda LovElY

wHEn thE time pass bY
I ReaLizEd tHat Life is nOt so eAsy
WhEnEver I’m aLonE and LonElY, mY FamilY comforts mE
aNd move mE to A right pAth

wHen time drives mE, I KnoW tHat LifE  is So  LoveLy
But LifE is MoRe LovElY  WhEn LovE arises
LovE is LikE aN aLarm cLock that  wAkeS y0u up
                   wHen love arise

“TiMe is goLd”
time iS mY inspiration, time wAkes mE Up
                   iN time I’ll nEEd iT
It controls mY Day tO dAy Light
I LikE time, it mAkes My wOrLd gO rOunD
It gave mE sometimes a LesSon
Is noT That EasY, CausE TiMe doesn’t Look Back anD turn Around
That’S wHy time is A time oF mY failure
And time is My HappinEss  in LiFE

that’s WhY I’ll AlWayS “HANG OUT” to Those Things That Makes Me HAppY.
bEcAuse I cAnnoT  Turn Back tHe cycle of TIME……..

Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011

Hanging Out with Friends

Hanging Out with Friends


When it comes to hanging out with friends, one can be sure that it is going to be absolutely amusing and unlimited fun. The talks seem to go on forever and any silly topic can become a point of lengthy discussions. 
Consider yourself lucky if you get to hang around with friends often because many people simply remember those good old days of carefree life with friends.

         One of the best places to hang out with friends is of course your own house! The comfort that your room offers cannot be offered by any mall or a pub. You can be yourself, kick up your heels, not worry about your looks and talk loudly about anything in the world. You need not worry about what to eat since junk food is just a phone call away! Order loads of pizzas, cola and French fries without worrying about condescending stares. You can eat as much as you want and however you want! The bottom line is to have fun without any worries. 

     Another fun place to hang around with friends is the lounge. Comfortable seating and soothing ambiance along with chilled drinks is the perfect setting for spending time with friends. If lounging is not your cup of tea, try hitting the bowling alley. A round of bowling games with friends is the perfect way to chill out. In case you are not into bowling, you can always go for a movie. These days you find coffee bars and small fast food joints near movie theaters where you can spend time after watching a movie. Whatever you do, remember to have loads of fun and enjoy. You may not get the opportunity to do so after some years.

Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

wHerE do wE hAng-oUt?

wE can hAng-out with our fRiends
Most of tHe time friends arE oUr conpanions wHen wE aRe full oF sorrows And burdens.
oFFenTimes they give possible solutions to ouR pRobLems. In RetUrn  wE share our deepest  felt emotions aNd EvEn secrets to TheM……

wE cAn hAng-out to our favorite Places

Places A group 0f ideas concerning significance and meanings that particular places have for their inhabitants and users.

As adventurous people, I LOVE seeing new places, meeting new people, to experience how is it felt to be cool of box for somewhat, somehow it gives me a chance to know myself more, and to make me understand the inner me……….

wE can hAng-out with our FamiLy
FamiLy group consisting of A FatheR, mother and their children.
fAmiLy is ThE  principal institution foR socialization of ChildRen And our family is our UltimaTe Listener, gUidance, supporter, giver,Adviser And most oF aLL our LovErs……..

wE caN congregate to thE Church

SomEtimes wE arE Weary anD wE do not know wHats Happening in oUr lives just convene to thE cHurch because……………
“Our lives arE made Up of million moments spent in A million different ways…..SomE aRe spent searching foR love, peace aNd success others, foR surviving daY to daY…but thEre’s  no greater moment than RealiZing tHat life is mEant to bE live onE daY aT A TimE With GOD……..

Biyernes, Agosto 19, 2011

I really like him...but does he feel the same bout me?

Best Answer
·         Spend more time with him and see where it takes you I think he likes u cuz any guy who wants to hang out with a girl more like her.

·         He's got to know ya and obviously likes who you are and all that stuff, so hang out with him when possible, as friends of course, and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't go further. So my advice is to just hang out with him when possible and just keep being that friend to him and just wait and see where it might go. Sounds like you got a good chance here with this boy of having it grow to more than just friendship.

·         What you do know for sure is that he would like to hang out with you since that's what he said. So, be friendly, talk to him and maybe plan something to do together. You'll know if it's going to be anything serious in time. Just enjoy his friendship right now.

=)the only way to find out is to hang out and see what happens... either Your just another friend or he likes you...

Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2011

Let It All Hang Out ^_^


                                                          Let It All Hang Out ^_^

        Hang-out  with our Friends

hang-out ^_^

“Hang out”
..a place where a person spends a lot of time with someone.
..a place frequented for entertainment or for socializing…

Less serious than getting together or dating. Spending time with someone in the context of friendship or in the context of casually exploring whether you like someone as just a friend or maybe more than a friend.

Hang out anything from eating and sleeping to riding bikes and playing football
lets hangout.

 Hang out
·         to spend time with friends
·         or anybody else